Demo Disk for Ensoniq Samplers and K-2000.
This disk is in zipped ede format. Ede format is the "Ensoniq Disk Extractor" format by Giebler. You need the disk extractor and winzip on an IBM compatible computer to:
1. Download file "demoeps.ZIP"
2. Unzip (decompress file)
3. Use Giebler to Extract file onto disk 3.5" DD disk.
If you only have HD disks then put tape over the hole on disk.
New! ASR-X op sys 2.62 from Ensoniq now loads .ede and .eda files without extraction.
On the disk you get: Multi-Style Drums, West Coast Lead, Juno 106 Rap Bass -
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Fax 562-698-7188¥ Phone 562-698-5488
If you have problems downloading any of these disks you can mail a money order for $6 per disk (shipping included) and we'll gladly mail you the demo disk(s). Please use the demo order form.