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Online wave demo's
Vol 1 has all of the sounds from floppy disks 1-50.
Vol 2 has all of the sounds from floppy disks 51-100.
Vol 3 has all of the sounds from floppy disks 101-150
Vol 4 has all of the sounds from floppy disks 151-200
MP001 |
New Beat Kit |
(4 kicks, 3 snrs, hh, tamb, 3 shakers, triangle, 10 hypes, drum fill) |
MP002 |
Black Kit |
(13 kicks, 12 snrs, hh, 3 hypes, reverse) |
MP003 |
Ballad Set |
(3 kicks, 2 snrs, hh, boom, triangle open & close, ride, crash, 808 cow, shaker, revese, low boom, conga, snap, rim reverse rim, 808 rim, 808 clave, silk tom, 2 claps, verb snap, 3 hpes) |
MP004 |
Blunted Kit |
(5 kicks, 7 snrs, 3 congas, tamb, shaker, 2 hhs, open hat, woodoo, rim, guitar dit, clave, cowbell, 2 rides) |
MP005 |
Assorted Set |
(15 kicks, 16 snrs, claps) |
MP006 |
Snares |
(32 snares) |
MP007 |
Rump & Stuff |
(7 kicks, 10 snrs, 2 hh, 4 hypes, tamb, shaker) |
MP008 |
Hip Hop and R&B |
(4 hh, real time, 20 snrs, 5 kicks, 3 hypes, shaker processed through SP1200) |
MP009 |
Hip Hop & Old School |
(11 kicks, 16 snrs, 4 hh, 2 hypes Linn II) |
MP010 |
Half Rap and R&B |
(3 hhs, long open hh, 4 snrs, 2 rims, 3 kicks, 2 rides, D's boom of doom, tamb, 90 BPM live loop) |
MP011 |
Extra Stuff |
(5 hh, 7 snrs, real rim, 3 kicks, verb snap, wet fish, wet claps, dry clap, phone line ring, tamb, star trek fx) |
MP012 |
All True "G" Set |
(7 kicks, 17 snrs, 4 hhs, screach, whawha, drum fill, dog shaker, horn) |
MP013 |
Various R&B and Rap Stuff |
(5hh, 13 snrs, 3 hypes, 11 kicks) |
MP014 |
Linn I & II Soundchips |
(2 claps, 5 hh, 4 kicks, 2 toms, snap, rim, 2 tamb, scratch ray, 2 hypes, cricket, bass note, 2 shakers 3 triagles, whisp down, reverse, water drop, flatulant drum) |
MP015 |
Hardcore Gangsta East Kost Style |
(6 kiks, 7 snrs, hh, med open, open hat, UFO fx, 6 hypes, reverse, half loop) |
FR001 |
Extra Stuff |
(hh, 13 hypes, 6 snrs, 6 kicks, clank, rezzo, tick, tamb, 808 ride, reverse, "go") |
MP016 |
Branded Set |
(2 kiks, 2 snrs, dog pant, shaker, hi hat, rim, vocal, sleigh bells, boom, string down) Dopest kit in town! |
MP017 |
Ruff Chest Beat Set |
(2 hypes, boom, boom 4 days, 3 closed hh, 3 open, pedil hit hh, full bull kik, big foot, hip kik, bell short ride, 7 snrs, rim shot) |
MP018 |
Hip Hop drums |
(plain kik, right on snr, sp12 snare, cut-n snr, mo smack snr, total of 9 snrs, nice foot, heavy kik, real foot, not true boom, rap kik 1, 2, layer me kik, potent kik, kickn air, unda kik 2, 3, old school kik, smack fo real, hh realy doe, revese roll, short cl hh, open mid, flacid snr) |
MP019 |
Cool Fat Smack |
(rohds roal, clap verb snr, 3 kiks, 2 hh, blak kik, small shkr, rev snr, snr clap, cl & open triangle, ll cool hat, 2 bass, faith kik, echo gtr) |
MP020 |
Spiked up R&B Hip Hop |
(Clap gate, bottom kik, attak kik, stank clap, eq hh, verb perc, lilol rev, light eq snr, full punch snr, lid kik, kicken verb, spike kik, right on hh, hh w/verb, hiped hh, smoken snr, gtr dit, friday kik, snp snr, plain full kik, jazz smack, hh cl/open, piano crackln, bass o'nutin, sax, bell wird, long tone, dirty snr, dirty kik, gated kik, hh open, mid) |
MP021 |
Mo Old Skool Hip Hop 808 |
(low end kik, bass note, rap rhods, open close hh, bump, mo bump, well snr, nice 808, snr 1339, tamb, u kik, layerd kik, grit smtn snd, crazy smack, layd black boom, raprsnar, mo old kik, dirty rap snr, analogkik, 80's clapr, spkrmover, grung hip snr, hip kik 55, rap rb smaker, d black ride, nice kik, stereo clap, slosed, med & open hh 69) |
MP022 |
New & Old Hip Hop Multi Coast |
(open hh, opp hh, rap riff gtr, triangle lng, low voc, bell, tight snr, & kik, smk snr, bumon kik, weak hh, kik around, short stuck, weak snr, horn dit, cabas shkr, clsd anlog hh, tamb, kikdawest, tingy snr, nuff snr, really hat, rap snr 1, 2, 3, ride rushn, 3 mo kiks & snrs) |
MP023 |
Guitars & Beats |
(Shuga, off gtr, dre style gtr, evil gtr wha, dit, short wha, riff up, my friends riff, bumb bumb, what twang, bellshort, ride, boom full kik, hip snr pop, opn & closed hh) |
MP024 |
To Da Curb G-set |
(11 snares, 10 kiks like power R kelly & wutang, Blaks boom 10, half boom, D's Rhod, foot closed, mid, & open hh) |
MP025 |
Eerie & Evil |
(98 bpm loop, unda beat, 809 kik, grity foot, rap kik 19, snr, shoad snr, wutang pno, grity bass, craped oh hh, rhods 2, freq kik, street hh, & open, redn ride, teddy crisp snr, evil horn, noname hype, ex G foot, shaker 33 unda line tone) |
MP026 |
Creepin drums |
(creep snr 1, 2, 3, 4, kik 2, 3, 4 boom short, tlc smack, water kik, hh open, closed, dot snr, boom dat, bump hump, d's snr, witch kik 1, 2, high boom, rev, 100 bpm 1/2 loop, tlc horn, creep horn, bas note, D-rhods) |
MP027 |
Mackin Flavah |
(3 sp1200 kiks, 1200 snr, loops, 5 otha snares, slow grind kik, grind noiz, barney mlr lfo, ride 3, Sleigbell, horn, vibra lick, 3 hh, da boom) |
MP028 |
West Coast Bluntz |
(muffled kik, & snr, duck kik & snr, cabasa 2, ride cym hi, tamborine, ride 16, boom room, gtr twang, dipn horn, 3 mo snares, hh, kik) |
MP029 |
Urban, R&B, Rap |
(ambient kik, sold snr, sticky, ridn hi cym, subway kik & snr, boom 1 & 2, kik class, mid snr, hh, freak clap, pno 1, 2, bass, rhodes) |
MP030 |
Twisted Style |
(Nas kik 1, 2, snappy sn, boom 1,2, vintage hh, ohh, street hat, ride, big snr, gtr loop, tremelo rhods, gritty kik, street bass, live foot, wha) |
FR002 |
Murder Death disk |
(Roland kik, sp1200 smack, hh 1-4, dre kik, dmx snr, rides, snr echo, big clap, 32 samples in all) |
MP031 |
Underground & Evil Style |
(booty kik, kik w/tone, bass note, puck stick, hollow snr, sizz snr, dookie riff, stoped snr, homeb kik, snr, dit bell, stack snr, mo kik, 2nd kik, 3rd kik, hi eq'd snr, wha screach, nuface clsd hh, nu foot, no open hat, hi end ride, street tri, wutang pno, evil rhodes, unda bass, rec popen) |
MP032 |
Kicken Up Phat Vibes |
(Kaalap, full kaalap, not 809 kik, popen puck, stickit snr, beat my kik, low boom, double kik, carry over kik, mouth snr, old set snr, true skool kik, old scho snapsnr, bass mid, snr left, right, grit on hh, bottom bump, soul hh cl, open hh, 1/2 hh, triangle, full pack snr, kick, stick shkr, rhodes) |
MP033 |
Kost 2 Kost |
(Beefytits bass, ren snr, air grind, smak lords b, kik o lords, low filt kik, short kik, low kik, east side snr, stack snr 2, rapper kik, pop freq kik, jazz shrt bass, hype horn, old orch hype, halloween hype, silly hat, pedal open, open short hh, sharp hat, true pedal hat, shaker faker, ride glide, D's rhodes) |
MP034 |
Multi-Style kit |
(massive kik, jam snr, dry stick, 606 snr, tamberee, hi eq tamb, phil, boom kik, knockout kik, -snr, raga snr, compress snr, skweel 1, 2, tick kik, rim rod, spike hh, old skl clap, hi pitch snr, snrosmack, hype wha, punch hype, pub'enema, conga, vibraslap, open sin wave, close sin hh, tight kik, ride 4 life, ting clsd, open ting, 606 clsd hh, hip hat clsd, open) |
MP035 |
Urb Puffn Bong Rippin Set |
(SP loop 85 bpm, unda tone, single jazz note, hi bongo, mid-, low-, crunch sp snr, lfo horn, sp 1200 kik, sp snr, light eq hh, stompen kik, bass of black, shaker, sharp hat, open hat, phat kik w/hiss) |
MP036 |
Wu-Puss Chronical Set |
(chords eerie, dark bass, under tone, bookie snr, -kik, snr 2, kinda hat, dungee bong, wutang pno, punch kik, -snr, method hh, open hat, vinyl verb clap, kik methtang, to da stick snr, metal pipe verb, tru loud snr, -kik, haty shake, pno 1 hit) |
MP037 |
Black Style Kelly Drums |
(1/2 gtr, snap snr, kiky kik, full D kik, bottums kik, not brite hh, sa-mack, eq hh, 808ish hat, open tri, clsd tri, jackish snr, cabasa 1/2, stereo air puck, kelly kik, supafunk snr, stereo grit funk snr, puch kik, street bass 187, rev gtr, 555 kik, snap tri, homemade boom, jaz brush, rim flat, snap dry, tam boring, gtr wha wha 107) |
MP038 |
Live Garage |
(eq hat, live foot, old skool, proc bump, clap inda day, live noise snr, opn hat, clsd hat, snr 1, punchy kik, ping tone snr, litl flam kik, 83 bpm |
MP039 |
100% Underground |
(9 kiks, 3 snrs, speaker flub, boom, 5 hh, roll rhodes, misplaced bass, dirty ride, metal evil sound, 70's breather kik) |
MP040 |
Smooth Guitar |
(6 gtr riffs, k bass, k pop bass, long tri, bell, tight snr, tamb, 808 hh, 3 kik, smack, shaker, basket ball snr, ride rushin, nuffin snr, hh, rim) |
MP041 |
70's & 80's Set |
(kik, snr, verb kik, snr, hat, fat full snr, crack, x-low boom, flange snr, cry gtr, wood smack, bright rim, bumps kik, hat 4 show, hat verb) |
MP042 |
70's & 80's #2 |
(8 kiks, 7 snrs, 2 old skool claps, ride high, 4 hi-hats, rhodes roy, hype horn, 80's bass note, low boom, hi eq'd hh #2) |
MP043 |
Smooth Guitar & Beats #3 |
(6 wha-whas, shrt chord, dit, muted, jazz twang, 3 note falls, raken it, slow rev gtr, kik, 2 snr, shabasa, rev cymball, old hh) |
MP044 |
Smooth Guitar #4 |
(fast wha, rhoadds, cry wha, bass slide, shrt rhds, 5 gtrs, open hat, clsd hat, smacker snr, klappa, stacked kik, spank snr, tick, og clap) |
MP045 |
Smooth Guitar #5 |
(kik, snr, rim, opn hh, clsd hh, smth gtr, jazz, chord, rake, hi wha, long fall, air rake,jz single, chord 2, 3, wha rake fall, cls fall, o rake) |
FR003 |
Half Jode-ice half rap |
(7 kiks, 6 snr, 4 hh, tamborine, stick, cym, rec pop, scracth 1, 2, scrach intro, stop sound) |
MP046 |
House Dance Tech |
(27 drum samples, kiks, snrs, hh, claps, bumps, crash, TB303 note) |
MP047 |
Total 909 tweaked & freaked |
(6 kiks of style, 4 snr, clap verb, 8 hh, 3 toms, crash, ride eq, ride full, rim, rev hat) |
MP048 |
Orb Euro House Drums |
Euro kik, kiks 2-4, boom, 5 snrs, hh, ohh, 2 rides, crash, shkr, sub bass, bass synth, 2 organs, finger snp, realize, dnc trx, bad dream, xe, blip |
MP049 |
Urban House Electro |
3 rap kiks, 3 hse kiks, 2 booms, sh101 bs, 6 hh, star hit, wood knocker, elevator splat, chick shk, wood shk, hse hit 96, 2 nois hits |
MP050 |
Deep House Kit 1 |
3 hh, RU snr, china snr, 4 kiks, mj ride, sticks, moog rez, wow, acid attack |
MP051 |
TR-909 |
4 hh, rim, 3 clap, 3 crash, 3 rides, hard kik, overdrv, kiks 1-3, 4 snr, toms |
MP052 |
Latin & Snd FX |
wood blks 1-5, shaker 1-4, wd pods, 2, wd crickets, real crickets, tamb, dog bark, crow, morning crow |
MP053 |
Space FX |
Bongo, lazar, vapor split, lazar echo, scream rez, laz wough, robotic, spc dog bark, flutter, bongo 2, porcelin wnd chime, bic lighter, fax phone, sony cordless, att phone, radio tuning |
MP054 |
Rap Rhodes |
straight 2 u, black chord, viben, mysto wine, flangey, plain rd, smoove, mellow, punch rd, smoof, tremelow rhodes |
MP055 |
Wurlitzer 1 |
1 note, wurlie, rapers delight, space chord, simple, chorused, note jump killing wurl. |
MP056 |
Wurlitzer 2 |
demented 1, 2, Bronx style, single note, haunted 1, 2, rap wur-sure, shakey, treming wurl |
MP057 |
Wurlitzer 3 |
hi drop, midi range, wise crack, soft wonder, ringen, small pop, lfo wurl., drop off |
MP058 |
Ton-o-bass |
porken bass, mo rap bass, full bass, jupiter syn, hi string, rhodes, stacatto heaven, porno echo |
MP059 |
Homemade bass |
raga bass 1, 2, tx81z bs, syn dre, record bs, bs run down, new street, low freak, hemroid bs, zappy, snr 1-3, old clap, 88 bpm loop |
MP060 |
Moog Rap Bass |
old skool, analog bass, new craft, square bs, sync off, prick bs, prodigy rap, sh101 bs, fat huchie, electric bs, space age, acousticee, 242, wormie, rez big, alien 1, 2 |
MP061 |
Hi Hats Only |
30 hi hats open and closed from all over the globe |
MP062 |
Rim Shots #1 |
(rim 1, white rim, sidestick 3, sp 1200 rim, akai rim, uno shot, rim #4, stick 505, simmons rim, sitdestick 1, 2, flexatone 1, 2, noisemaker 1, 2, wood block 1, 2, 3, quiajada, finger cymbal, clave 1, 2) |
MP063 |
Reggae Shab Disk |
Mad Rascal beat, Standard Reggae, Rusha Beat, Everyting Beat, Club Trippin (eqd hh clsd, med hh, open hh, regae snr 1, slow snr, reggae kik 1, 2, 3, conga, bongo mute, timbale, slow drum, shakerr, glimpsnr, faze 808 snr, shortsnr r, rung snr, glasstick, cocoasnr, reg. tom, echo brd hh, reggae chord, ciap, rythmic snd, rage noize, rezzo zap 1, 2, reggae bass 1, 2, 3, marimba, clav pno, long clav) |
MP064 |
Jungle & Rap Disk |
Jungle Beat 1, 2, Trip Hop Loop, Ride Me Allnight, Funknation Beat (hh, eq'd 909 hh, east grime hat, gritty tamborene 1, 2, eq 909 rim, jungle kik, jungle snr, grace notes, jungle boom, crap hat, lowkicker, 909ish kik, two bined snr, snap reverbed, down ass kik 1, 2, panther snr, roomy kik, & snr, ridge kik, & snr, darkroom kik, crash cym, room crash, tribal, hi glide, tick chick, 303 bass 1, 2, cra-beep) |
MP065 |
Bass Classic Tube Compression |
Funky Ass beat (elec gtr bass 1, 2, dx solid bass, juno rap bass, minimoog bass, mmp sub bass, sixtrk bass, jv1080 bass deep, obxa bass, midimark analog, mirage kik, snr 1, 2, clap, clsd hh, open hh, mirage bells, cowbell, ride, hi conga, bongo mirage) |
MP066 |
Hammond Organ #1 |
(ham org verb, reg hammond, mark's joint, flicken ham, pitty org, peacefull riff, housee org, run up, wicked organ, major chord, sprigle hit) |
MP067 |
Hammond Organ #2 |
Gravey Beat (hi strung org, low strung org, roll down org dit, jazzy p. org, death ride org, sweet p. org, munstah org, thick prince org, midi kik, snr, hh, clsd hh, metal can, talking drum) |
MP068 |
Strings #1 |
(Juno 106 strings, flange string, solo string, midi string, hi-real string, deep string) |
MP069 |
Yamaha R5 Latin |
(r5hh, open hh, hh #2, crash, ride, clap, timbale, clave, shaker, cowbell, tamborene, shaker 2, bongo, conga, agogo, bong drum, whistle, perc hit, bell r5, trash can, latin hit, bass guitar) |
MP070 |
Dope House |
Pleasure Beat, South Miami, Deep Hse, Sun School Beat (hee hat, open hse hat, rvers hat, deep kik 1,2,3, shi twn hat, 909 hat, hse bell, hype vox, grnd brk, hi balls kik, sub bass, eq'd hat, 707 clap, dj kik, grnd shk, eq hse kik, piano stab 1&2, 808 snr, ear pierce, orgy hit, train, dist dit, clap nioz, lick kik, 303 after, 303 bass #4, 909clsd, open5, dirty clsd, long hh, 909 crash) |
MP071 |
Decaffinated House |
D's beat, T-Style beat (loaded hh, 908 combi kik, 909 air snr, 909 kik, 909 hh, open hh, clap on, endish clap, kikn verb, bad kik foot, ride 909, klik, ouch my ear, bass check, ohh org, rye kik, bob stab #3, noise mmp, d's hi z clap, combo kik, euro kik, blip 91, organ 4, clap 808, machine clap, shaker, midring snr, 808 cymb, clean ride, snap finger, muted crash) |
MP072 |
R & B Rock & Rap |
90 BPM, Schooldaze Beat, 12/2 Beat, Scope Beat (7hh, motion clap, dipin ride, room crash cymb, Gretsh kik, Peter's kik, snr, 8 kicks, 9 snrs, 1 rev.snr.) |
MP073 |
Back In The Day Drums |
100 BPM Beat, 92 Raplove, 120 Old School Beat, 92 Mold School, Summer of 85 (cls, med, open hh, 5 min kik, snr, 70's snr, 80's bass, kik, clapps, D's 80 kik, funk clap, gitty, kik, juicy hh, juicy kik, rim, snr, tom, live hh, no parking kik, snr, airy clap, shaker, mp kik, snr, hh, tapit, mp op hh, clsd hh, stab) |
MP074 |
Puff da Blunt Kit |
Bonie Thug Beat, Flippy Flop, Thangs Beat, Joe Shrug Beat (2 sampled loops, open hh, clsd hh, pappafoot, drop kik, trashed foot, busta foot, wood tube snr, scagle snr, hh blues, snaped snr, trigger snr, 2 fat snr, cut snr, stacked snr, smaller shaker, eq'd crash) |
MP075 |
Butta R & B Funk |
94 Black Beat, Teddy Slam, Slowa Beat, Viben Groove Beat (hh #43, open hh #43, open hat #44, rim & snr, zhane snr, kik, revb butta, uhhh, remix snr, foot remix, noiz-e perc, dit gtr, strict snr, mini alt kik, blackness hh, snr 232, bik snr, kik, rap chord, gtr chinka, hollow kik, kik ok, snr clap air, rap rhodes, 3 kicks, 2 snrs, now hh) |
MP076 |
Radio R & B Disk |
Deeplove Beat, Jack da New, Eastside Beat, 65 BPM Slowmo Beat, Kracked Out (closed hh, open hh, mary b snr, steve snr 1,2 , mdx 909, stick snr, foot kik, nuffa kik 809, boogie snr, klik kik, swv snr snr, teeze me 808, trmp snr, kik, tamborene, poison snr, sweet hh, ohh, verb left, jazz brush, manipulate boom, reversal, unda smack, clsd triangle, open tri, snatchy, kik101, verb on) |
MP077 |
Timbal Az Deeisk |
88 BPM Seq., Can I Please 86 BPM (rap rhodes #50, reverse, timbale, water splat, cupid kik, cupid rim clap, midrange clap, 4 real snrclp, 4 real foot, face foot, tom bottom, face babe kik, clsd hh, shaker 29, face shkr, timba kik, face snr, hh, open hh, timba kik 2, snr, snr2, face hat) |
MP078 |
West-side Con-x |
92 BPM Seq., West Blade Beat (bow dwn hh, snr 1-2, kik, reverse, brrrrr, bow bass, bow kik 2, triangle dist., hoodbang kik, -snr, -hh, tone hi cube, synth cube, hoodbang bass, open hh, hype snd, ws) |
MP079 |
808 &909 EQd & Abused |
9 Old Skool Beats Slow & Fast 808 (clap, snr, boom, conga, mid, high conga, rim, clsd hh, open kik 1&2, clave, ride or crash, cow bell, cabasa), 909 (kik, eq kik, boosted kik, orig kik, stock snr, w/ verb, overdriven, clap verb, stock clap, rim, clsd hh, open hat, crash, ride, low tom, high tom) |
MP080 |
Wu-Puss & SR16 snds |
Wu-duTang Beat, Ready Style Beat, Gtr Wha Beat, Midi Thug Beat (hh clsd, med, open long snr, short snr, alive foot, eerie gtr, nasty snr, chrome snr, snr room, punsh that kik, old wood foot, hi foot, live ride, hi crash, tamb snr, sr shaker, clave, hi claps, tri snr, snapgate, sr cabasa, snr -e verb, wet clsd hat) |
MP081 |
Timbal 2 Alias Max |
65 bpm seq, Get Loose, Jazz Funk Tip, Grv 2dis Hear Beat (luv hh, vintage open hat, foxy snr, luv snr, kik 1, 2, 3, trkmaster hh, hi end ride, wet perc, crash back, 808 verse cymb, hh bite, foot 10, barks snr, short snr, cabasa, maxwell rim, alia snr verb) |
MP082 |
East Meets West |
Green Funk, Funkdified, Smooth Love, Jack This Beat (hi hat closed, combi snr, clap snr, revs kik, pushit shkr, caahh, rap clap 1, 2, custom kik, overload kik, flub kik 1, 2, tappin kik, overtap kik, tapen snr, gtr dit, yo mamasnr, ranch snr, jazz rif, shot gun snr, short shot, scissor, nome snr, that foot, nome foot, sale hype, coco clock, rap rhode #6) |
MP083 |
808 + Grit Drums |
88bpm beat, 65bpm beat, 92bpm beat (s3-808 hat,med hat, opn hat, verby snr, verb stick, drit pop, snapy snr, short thump, 808-congo lo, med, hi, 808-verb kik, claps, blockwood, tri, opn triangle, verb fing, piano note, perc thang, deep boom, airy kik, 909 kik, east hh, chuck snr, piano chord 1, 2, jazz bass#5, rim, skin, hoj kik) |
MP084 |
Clap Trap Simmons |
Medium beat (sharp hat, hat1 opn, shrt trap, hight pitch, long clap, 80's clap, freak clap, clop, processed, dog lb clap, midrange, dry rim, 909 mid eq kik, gunshot clap, classic clap, overdone) |
MP085 |
25 Hits (orch, elec, funky) |
80's brass, drum hit, clssic hit, beutiful, lush hit, string, voc ring, fast x hit, estranged hit, layerd gtr, analog fat, krashy orch, tension hit, house central, mirage tinkle, brass verb1, james alive, dirty phone sex. |
MP086 |
Harp Gliss + Eq'd Drums |
long rev harp run, super class harp, fallen grace harp, mmp harp, OBX harp2, plato kik, croft 808 kik, kawai eq'd hh1, hh2, hh3, chase snr, tama kik, comp drawn snr, voice hit, snr BBE, bass www. |
MP087 |
Wind Chimes |
5 total (chime up1, chime up 2, wimd chime downward, mom's porch, pro chime) |
MP088 |
SP-1200 v2 |
(med hh, shut hh, full hh, 808ish boom, bing crosby snr, bit kik, brave string, chester foot, echod bird, filter hall snr, layered kik, moog bass k6, moog sapsin, mutation tri, opn tri, pocket snr, raw bongo, clave roll, rung kik, willow snd, tight ass snr, toy bbe snr 1, 2, string orch, type kik) |
MP089 |
TR727 |
(hi bongo, lo bongo, mute conga, open conga, lo conga, hi timbale, lo, hi agogo, cabasa, maracass, short & long whistle, quijada, star chime, xylophone juno 2, elec drum, pink cream synth fx) |
MP090 |
G Funk 2000 |
(808 claps, ticky snr, hh choked, clap snr, cymb roll, open hh dirt, shaker ruff, kik ruff, ducky tone, ethic tone, g boom shrt, gfunk bass, clsd hh, kik G1, 2, opn hh, funk snr 1-4, gtr riff, short gtr, g rhodes, harsh snr, shaker hat, long crash, kik lo fi, snr lo fi1, 2, pingy snr, rap snr, g ride) |
MP091 |
Grooven 80's -> 90's |
(kik foot, dmx clap, bomb ride, clappahh, crispy hh, dmx kik o dirt 1-3, snr 1-2, flam snr, gtr dit, clsd hh, infamous cowbell, johnson stab, linn 2 cowbell, linn foot, snr, NY foot, nice shaker, older foot, old skl stab, opn hh, rim, scream ahh, grit shaker, dmx clap, rim single, gtr & stab1, 2, vibra twang, wickey scratch) |
MP092 |
Dog LB Drums |
(verbed bongo, can fall, echod kik, hh1-3, sparse hh, dope kik 1-3, Q'd snr, shakness, snr 1-5, snare mix, talking drum, trs crash, noise rupture, pluff snr, revrbed can, slap verbed, dope snr) |
MP093 |
Telephones + |
(1 ringy dingy, phn access, bell ring old stylo, busy signal, button punch 1-4, city, dial tone, do do do, line snd, off hook snd, on button, try again, Alarm clock, clock tick) |
MP094 |
House Party Stylo |
(rim sshhoot, hipass kik, ahh hype, crash xplosion, g-rezzz, hh 22ish, hh housy, hi snr, annalog house bass, hse kik 3, latin brk drum 1, 2, lip clap, lazar kik mc, 303 boom, elec bass, mc hh 1-8, kik mc, kik J, LD pattern, small clap, wooo!) |
MP095 |
Hard House / Industrial |
(classic hit, classic bass, klsd hh, open hh, clap of 808, clsd hh 808, rim-o-808, 909 clap buck, da-909 kik, effected poop, mmp hard hse kik 1, 2, hell hse kik, hard distorted kik, hard punch kik, rec clap2, hh, plug syn, ind house, juno tymp, lng hh, move me clap, new dist kik, revd pop noise, rec snr, record skratch, sequential 6trk synth, sh snr, trker rake fx) |
MP096 |
LA 2 Shytown House |
(909 eq foot, hh clsd, open, bass k, beutifull hse chord, hit-o-joy, chug clap, piano stab, eko trumpet, flanged syfun, gtr drum, harm hit mix, classic sample, female breath, stacked kik, latin drum, stab latin, mid range kik, organ bass, pure organ, raw use it, hse strike, table snr, hse whistle, lazar juno 106 1, 2, kramed snr, krunchy clap, lead da house, long synth loop, txtred hit, processed horn, echo bass) |
MP097 |
SP1200 Stock Kit |
(bud bass, acoustic tom 1, 2, 3, 4, bell chord 1, 2, 3, cimbal, clsd hh, electric tom 1, 2, 3, flat tom, gate snr, 909 ride cymb, open hh 1, 2, rim shot, 6 snares, sp kik, 1, 2, 3, gtr sample) |
MP098 |
SP1200 Cuban Bongos |
(latin bassy, bongo hit 1-4, small, med, dj krash, conga, 2 tone, hi, lo, ringy, harmonic conga, kiked eq's, latin mora, lat bong, rish, thud, metal smack, open conga, plain latin, ruf mute, talking 1, 2, thick drum, snr splicker, hh 909 eqd, med hh, open hh, mid eq latin, wurly chord, 1,2, ruffness bass) |
MP099 |
CR-80 & SH101 |
(cr acoustic kik, cryptic kik, elec hh 1, 2, gated kik, plane kik, reverb snr 1, 2, 3, triangle, "uhh", crash, ride, hi tom, mid low tom, cr boom, 808 ish kik, 808ish snr, 808ish tom, jazz hh, clsd, open, sh101 boom, kik, lazar, ruff snr) |
MP100 |
Effects #1 |
(Helicopter, glass break 1, 2, 3, cannon blast, air raid siren, colt gun ricochet, horn-o-death, horn 2 echo, reverbed buzzer, feirce hit, skratch, hype this shit) |
MP101 |
TGI 808 Kit |
(Stylin beat, Miami burbs, Slow it down) shkr, bongo 1-3, boom, clap 1-3, rimshot, clave, cow bell 1-2, crash, hhc1,2, hhopen 1,2, kick 1-4, ride. |
MP102 |
Bad Dude Set |
(Laid back, Hip-no beat, Future beat) noizy hh, old snr, old foot, gated clap, badu poke pop, clsd hh, b snr, stick, chord hit, sweet hh, live bass, jazz brush, foot, open hat, boggie snr, tamb verbed, clave vrb, clsd tr, open tri, cabasa, snatchey snr, kik 101, 909 remake snr, bomb foot, rim verb 500. |
MP103 |
Boomin Kit |
(Higher Wet'r Beat, Gangsta B-cut, Sleepy Daze Beat) biten kik, deep boom, small boom, echoed snr, faded snr, hall snr, add-1 kik, snr, clap trap 2, mmp boom 808, bom creation, paraboom, elec jus snr, techstar, qr hh 1-3, rim sns, tambeene, |
MP104 |
Flippen Kit |
(thru town beat, tripn n flippen, janees beat) Nas kik, hh, snr, russel fx, gtr dit, snr uut, snr clappy, trb shaker, skyraty, snr shade1-2, pre kik, creep wha, hhishtt, vic kik, rash horn, pno grain, bass drop, vics snr, sunshine bass, vrbed, sensuos, serius string, crp snar, rain gtr, rain pick, lamesnr, bass+piano, 808 bongo r, wet bend, 80's anabass |
MP105 |
Human Beat Box |
(85bpm, 93 bpm, 120 bpm beats) cripsy hh, beat box snr, custom kik, human dit1,2, nasty hit, cabasa, box kik, ficky ficky, chip, vocal skratch, breath, throat bass, carfull snr, "1,2,uh3", opn hh, vox hh, vox gtr, unda tonee, duckadoo, perc, full, open hh, clsd hh, perc 2, chintone, bass syn |
MP106 |
Latin Kit + (#5) |
(Sweet nelie, Ricardos beat, Sky writing) bongo hi, low, muted, conga lo, hi, tapped, funga, pachunga, center hit, mute hit 2, timbale hi, lo, brass string hit, krzy hit, grainy gtr, gtr vrbd, horns, gtr 2, gtr mute, bass gtr 1,2, G chord 1, 2, clam foot |
MP107 |
Latin Perc #4 |
(Mid nite, jalila rhythm, x-mas beat) chime 1,2, chime run, clave1,2, cow muted 1,2, cow open 1,2, guicha 1,2, sgora 1,2, shaker 1-8, tak bell 1,2, tamb hit 1,2, ti kay 1,2, triangle clsd, open) |
MP108 |
Millenium Rap RnB |
(Typical beat, majand, bridge) bass of bootay, crack bumps, crack clsd hh, crack hh1, kik short, open hh, crack snr 1,2, piano stab 1, 2, ear spike, enlonged kick, findout snr 1,2, open hh, pno riffen, radio stab 1,2, shick snr, treble kick, verby snry. |
MP109 |
Old Skool Beasly |
(MMP beat, Sign up, Beasly beat) art kik, snr, awb dit, aldy snr, bridge snr 1,2, crappy hh, crazy dit, ditty clap, foot back, funk clap, ftr bend, gtyr chord, jungle kik, kik bridge, kool dit, major snr, nice hh clsd, med hh, old dit, old crappy snr, old open hh, old stab, dirty hh, patrice snr, rap crunch, scary tone, scratchy one, in yo face smack, solid foot, funk snr, solid kick, zappy clapy. |
MP110 |
Quick Kit |
(MMP beat2, RnB loop, Playa Pawtee) hh, open hh, dry foot, 808 cow, hh 808, open hh, kik a, big clap, black clap, cabasa, clave, combo snr, flexatone 1-3, gtr chink, left hand, right, live shakr, pop clsd, real snr, ride, short boom, tamb, triangle, verbed stick, vibra slap. |
MP111 |
Viben Kit |
(Beat#1, Funky Guy, Loose Flow) chord 1-4, breath kik, kik short, snr, stop kik, snr, bright kik, hh, clean hh, happy kik, 1972 stab, open hh, viben open hh, viben open hh, short shkr, single snap, snap snr 1,2, super hh, wetbass |
MP112 |
House 2000 |
(MMP beat3, club beat) bass note1,2, chord 1,2, clap 1-3, clean hh, crash, hh1, hi Q, kik tone, kik 1-6, house noiz, open hh, perc 1,2, punch, ride, rim1, rim verbed, shaker, snr 1,2, tone 2, zapp |
MP113 |
Supa Fly Sounds |
(I need u beat, what the, sick wid it) Acoustic gtr, bass gtr, BEP bass kik, bep kik, snr, cmp kik, dope hh, dope kik, dope rim, snr, flange crash, orig hh2, clsd hh, open hh, P crash, ride 2 die, romy kik, shaprk, snr 9ish, thikwood snr, vp snr. |
MP114 |
Mo Rhodes |
(Show off bt, Beat #2) Rhodes piano chord 1-11, snr smack, pump kik, erie noizy piano, evil echo out, hh heavy clsd, open hh, jazz bass, single bas. |
MP115 |
UK Hardhouse |
(UK beat, Wild house, Sheelahs party) 303 quible, air screacha, clapper, cut off ping snr, distorto kik, dope clsd hh, drill& tone, grunge bass, gtr dit k, happy clapper, nasty clsd hh, nasty open hh, ride, tuned tone, noizy kik, tamb, open hh, overdriven foot, pingysnr, punch bag kik, rash tone, rim reem, rim clicker, short quibble, stomp it kik, super nice bottom, techno log, tone 2000, tone dit bop, dit tone, too can sana, true old snr. |
MP116 |
Linn 9000 Stock Kit |
(Ride it beat, Sha-wing, Have a nice day beat) Stock drums, kicks, snares, hh, toms, percussion and cymbals from the Linn 9000. Plus old 808's.. synth rise, steel drum, blap bass, 33 sounds in all. |
MP117 |
Cybotronic Synths |
Tripped out synths to make your tracks influentually phat. 2 old school kicks, 4 phattatacious snares, 2 hh, 2 opn hhs, 2 flanged crashs, ride, 13 synths |
MP118 |
DR-660 Down South Kit 1 |
Big Gym (kik, 2 snr, 3 hhs, rim, cow, 4 verb toms, 2 crash, ride, twang synth, short bass, detuner syn) |
MP119 |
DR-660 Down South Kit 2 |
Funk-a-tacious Beat (3 hh, kik, snr, clap, cow, crahs, ride, 4 acoustic toms, rim shot, echoed trill, distorted bass, plop bass, run bass, sire verb) |
MP120 |
DR-660 Down South Kit 3 |
Trip on X beat (909 kik, 909 snr, 2 kik, 4 snr, clap, snap, 5 analog perc, tamb, 3 808hhs, smash, rezdrop, stickybass, butta, opn butta, trip rise, 3 cracked out leads). |
MP121 |
DR-660 Down South Kit 4 |
Oh my midi beat (2 kiks, 6 snrs, hh, oh, vibra slap, rec scratch, hi pri=syn, flusnare, raw crash, revs snare, sonatic syn, ruff siren, 2 rez basses) . |
MP122 |
DR-660 Down South Kit 5 |
D-e-m-o beat (2 kiks, 6 snrs, tamb, cow, crash, 2 scratches, plop, yes bass, skrigle, beep verb, duck verb) |
MP123 |
DR-660 Down South Kit 6 |
D-e-m-o beat (4 electric toms, metal hit, metal split, hard kik, rise perc, wood shank, fake gun shot, slow tamb, anvil smash, revclap, smat, forest bird, low bird, slow scratch, shanker, whistle, fantasy explode, nice rev snare) |
MP124 |
DR-660 Down South Kit 7 |
LA Vice (Elec kik, snr, gated metal, 4 toms, ride, foot hh, ohh, cow, stick hit, ride, perc 1, 2, cup hit, weted bass, analog bell, alien ants) |
MP125 |
Basick beat (Big sounds from a small box. The whole kit, all you need is right here boo. 3 kiks, 3 snrs, toms, hhs, timbales, lazar, 6 toms, ride, 2 crashes, whistle, perc. |
MP126 |
Demo Beat (2 snares, 4 kicks, 1 boom, Hayz synth, Organ, Buzz Bass, Deep Bass, Digd Buzz, Piano Chord, Digital Cave, Nova Spit, Marle Baby) |
MP127 |
Demo Beat (3 hh, shaker, 2 snrs, clap, 808 kik 808 snare, boom hat, long bell, ducky synth, dark hall, pno-wkd-note, ahh, rec snr, clave, conga, tamb, shakr, 5 kks |
MP128 |
Demo Beat (7 kiks, 1 clap, shkr, elect tom snr, 808 rim, 2hh, opn hat, ride, 2 chinese toms, crash, clave, block) |
MP129 |
Demo Beat (3 kiks, 2 snrs, 2hh, hi tom, Krazy kik, Voc Beat loop, 'Listen to the funky drumah') |
MP130 |
Demo Beat (808 kik, Slapin Snr, 2 hhs, open hat, crash, tamb, 13 crazy snynth leads & FX |
MP131 |
Demo Beat (Dist boom, Perc 1, 2, sh Hyphy, 3 basses, hh1, 2, Clap, Butkweeks, pop pill, Hi Pipe, Mosquito, Fart kik, Fizz puzz, close up, hellcheese, room kik , noise, Hoky) |
MP132 |
Demo Beat (2 kiks, echo snr, snr, rim, 3hh, 2 echo tomes, crashy ride, lil boom, 3 synths, dist snds 2, sax |
MP133 |
Demo Beat (3 kiks, 4 snares, clap, 4 hh, 2 crash, 2 rides, tamboren 1 and 2) |
MP134 |
Demo Beat (Groovy Kik and snar, rim, clap, blaf, funk rec snr, dance kik, 909 snr, 808 snr, 4 toms, bommy kik, crash, rev crash, ride, 909 rim, reverb rim, Clapz, blap) |
MP135 |
Demo Beat (4 lazars, 3hh, eq snr, 4 kiks, boom, crk snr, tweet, 808 cow, shkr, 4 lat perc, ride, 4 perc, clap, reg snr, kikik) |
MP136 |
Demo Beat (4 hhs, room kik, 808 kik, wood snr, 808 snr, verb snr, glass tick, 3 tom verbs, 2 shkr, 3 cows, bass bad, rundown, 2 synths) |
MP137 |
(Strange String, Xylophone, Bell, Point Synth 1 - 4) |
MP138 |
Demo Beat (6 kiks -808 and 909 types-, 8 snrs, 2 clap, rim, 5 hh, Quido, China, E-tom) |
MP139 |
Demo Beat (Lazar, kik, 5 basses, Tek Echo, Lead, Rhodes Pno, Tek pattern, Tiesto snd, GTR, Chirp bell, Jazzy phil, 3 synths) |
MP140 |
Demo Beat (2 kiks, 3 snrs, 3 perc, hh, open hh, clave 1, 2, TB303, Piano Move 1, 2, crash, skratch nova, Bass, Peker 1 & 2) |
MP141 |
Demo Beat (Kik, 2 sub kiks, clap, snr, 4 hh, 2 bass synths, crazy chord, rave chord, trumpet, space drop) |
MP142 |
Demo Beat (3 kiks, 3 snars, 3 hh, TB303, Gtr, Technoy sounds, bellish, tiny sound, 24, synth tom, sml) |
MP143 |
Demo Beat (HH, OHH, Ver eq kik, dry snr, wet snr, tom 1-3, ride, crash, bass raz, low bass, synth pattern) |
MP144 |
Demo Beat (2 Ambient kicks, 4 snrs, 4 toms, tibale, 3 congas, echocrash, gtr, bass, 2hhs) |
MP145 |
Demo Beat (3 kik, 2 snr, 1 clap, 2 hh, 3 tom, rim, tamb, timbale, 2 cabasa, crash, 2 stringer syns, lo long bass, attaker syn, stylophone) |
MP146 |
Demo Beat (3 kiks, 3 snrs, 6 hhs, 5 perc, 2 lazars, 2 cow, shakers, clave, 2 quijada, pop) |
MP147 |
Demo Beat (3 kiks, 3 snr, 2 claps, 4 hh, 3 toms, 2 rides, rim) |
MP148 |
Demo Beat (Unix kik, snr, hh, ohh, drumtrax 2 tims, tamb, snr, rim ride, hh, ohh, clap, kik, cow, crash, shkr, KPR 9 drums) |
MP149 |
Demo Beat (RZ1 kik, snr, clap, toms, crash, ride, hh, ohh - Seq Tom k, s, hh2, crsh, 2toms, KR-55 10 sounds) |
MP150 |
Demo Beat (4 kiks, 10 snrs, ridde, crash, cow, 3 toms, 4 hhs, tabulations sound, woodrow) |
FR004 |
Demo Beat (2 kiks, 3 hh, 4 snrs, 3 perc, 2 toms, ride, crash, 2 rim, cow, Rave bass, string chordy, pno echo, THC bomb) |
MP151 |
Electro Kit #1 |
(3 Claps, 6 kiks, 4 sub kik, rapper tom, 2 808 hh, 4 Acoustic hh, 808 snr, 4 perc, 1 ride, finger, rega snr) |
MP152 |
Electro Kit #2 |
(4 Afro perc, 3 orch perc hits, hit tamb, timbales, 7 electro kiks, 2 hh, dry clap, 808 snr, tin sound) |
MP153 |
Electro Kit #3 Rap |
(4 booms, 4 kiks, 4 snrs, 2 hh, 3 toms, storm, toycrazeee, analog ruff) |
MP154 |
Electro Kit #4 |
(4 808 kiks, boom, rezkik, 909 kik, 3 hh, 5 noise snr, clave, lo clave, tickles, 3 E toms, perc wave, 2 soft pno loops) |
MP155 |
Quirk 8-bit kit |
(3 quirk snrs, long bone kik, 3 analog 8bit kiks, sub, 5 sizle snrs, 3 hh, 2 bitty hhs) |
MP156 |
Quirk 8-bit #2 Lazar Drms |
(9 awes kiks, low and simmons style, 5 lazars, 3 bottle plops, hh, ohh, rezo hit, noise hits, snap, 3 snares, fake crash) |
MP157 |
Ghost Dawg Drums #1 |
(4 hhs, metal, 3 snrs, 3 kiks, drop it kiks, 808 clap, cow, ghost kik, death snr, mixxride, crash) |
MP158 |
Ghost Dawg Drums #2 |
(Tunnel kik, tunnel pop, 808 tom verb, japanese drum, 2 spinal verbs, 2 hh, darkstar tom a & b) |
MP159 |
Ghost Dawg Drums #3 |
(Rumplestilken, thunder snr, bass thingy, thunder kik, elec MJ tom 1-3, bell hits 1-3, clopper verb) |
MP160 |
Friends Drums + Orch |
(Pizzacato x 2, long strings, pluck string, bell pad, ride, crash, hh, noise hit, 3 kiks 707, clap, snr, snr vrb, 3 toms) |
MP161 |
'1982' - 808 + Perc & Orch |
(1 kik 2 snr, clap, 2 boom, cow, metal hits, orch hits, fish, cabasa, big bell, hh, snapdry, nice rim) |
MP162 |
808 The hard way |
(2 short kiks, 3 long kiks, 7 snrs, hh,ohh, weird crash, rim, FX clap dsp128, long room verb clap, 808 commm clap) |
MP163 |
Year 81 Sony Echo Drum |
(Plain kik, snr, clap, 4 toms, crash, ride, 4 bongos, 2 timbales, 3 echo drums) |
MP164 |
DDD-5 Kit + phat bass |
(4 phat synt bass, 1 kik, 2 hh, 2 snr, 3 toms, ride, crash, rim, clap, cow, 2 elec funk bass) |
MP165 |
SQ-1 80's Drum Kit |
(2 kik, verb snr, rim, 3 toms, ride, 2 crash, cowbl, tamb, perc, dist bass, sax hit, trumpet, hh, mid foot, ohh) |
MP166 |
Mouth Drums MMP |
(Mouth kik, snr, chick, hh, beep, cymb, chickah, uhh, check 123, 3 pno chords, 4 bass sounds funky) |
MP167 |
Big Time Drumz |
(Pipesss, 3 verb kicks, 1 wall kik, 2 claps, rim, 3 toms, 3 snrs) |
MP168 |
Glass Room Drums |
(3 kik, 2 snr, 3 slop toms, 1 ride, 1 crash, 2 claps, 2 rims, 2 hh) |
MP169 |
So Long Drums |
(shorted kik, so long kik & snr, rattle snr, 909 kik 1, 2, drive me crazy snr + kik, drive tom, hh, ohh) |
MP170 |
Haul Ass Sounds |
(Kik verb, snr hall, cow bl, hh, op hh, gtr vibrato, gtr note verb, church cord, blow pipe FLT) |
MP171 |
Fat Attack Analog |
(3 kiks, 2 snr, 1 clap, 3 hh, crash, 3 lolo toms, 6 analog synths) |
MP172 |
House Lover Kit |
(808 kik, snr, 4 909 kiks, 4 hhs, 4 toms, 2 clave, 2 claps, crash 808, 2 organ chords, power bass, analog chord bell) |
MP173 |
Icicle Haus #1 |
(2 phat kiks, 2 snr, 2 hh, sub bass, icicle alarm, syn rizer, phat syns 1-3, icicle bass 1-2, acrticwind, sample hold) |
MP174 |
Techno Kit DRM-1 |
(Synth drakness, simple bs, rezonate, techno spike, 2 kiks, snr, 2 claps, 2 hh, rim, ride, crash, 3 toms, 2 timbale, 2 bongos, cowbell) |
MP175 |
New Boy Rock Out |
(2 kik, 2 snr, 3 toms, 1 crash, ride, china, 2 tamb, cow, clav, 2 pno chords using Urei 7100 compressor) |
MP176 |
TCS Valve Comp Drums |
(4 kik, 2 snr, 3 tomes, 1 crash, 2 hh, 2 rides, crash, 2 organs, bell rockoning, fretless, brass hit) |
MP177 |
Jazzy 1 |
(4 kik, 2 snr, 3 tom, crash, 3 hh, rim, clap, 2 pno, 1 gtr) |
MP178 |
Industrial Trip Drums |
(3 kiks, 4 snrs, 3 hh, crash, tamb, 3 toms, clairinet, 2 bells) |
MP179 |
Sly Mo Fo #1 |
(Rim, 3 claps, 4 kiks, 2 fly snares, 2 hh, ride, crash, 3 toms, 1 bass, 2 piano) |
MP180 |
Ridle Kit R&B |
(2 kiks, 3 snr, 2 hh, 3 toms, 1 crash, 2 phat synts, 1 bass, soft lead, 4 percussion) |
MP181 |
Miami Latin Destruction |
(2 kik, 2 snr, 3 hh, 2 crash, 2 ducks, 2 timb, 4 conga, 2 kettle drums, electro beep, bubbles, sticks, 2 shaker, hi agogo) |
MP182 |
Rock Yo Shit #1 |
(2 kiks, snr, 3hh, 2 rides, crash, wind chime, tube bell, uhhh, huh, mouth knock, 3 toms, trashbell) |
MP183 |
Rock Yo Shit #2 |
(2 tamb, 2 cow, gtr dist, 4 snares, 4 kiks, 2 ride, crash, 3 toms deep) |
MP184 |
Rock Yo Shit #3 |
(2 kiks, 3 snrs, 2 claps, dist vib gtr, hammond org, tamb small, hi low crash, 2 rides, hi bell, low toms 1-3, howww) |
MP185 |
Rock Yo Shit #4 |
(flange crash, symphonic crash, gated kik, snr, tight kik, snr, soft hh, ohh, loud hh, ohh, gated rim, hall kik, snr, dull kiks, flange tom & roll, dry clap, flang clap) |
MP186 |
Big Rock Kit |
(2kik, 2 snrs, 4hh, 3 toms, 2 crash, ride, rim, reusnr, pluck string, cowbl soft, wallon bass synth) |
MP187 |
Rocker Kit |
(2 rock bass, jazz bs, 4 organ, 3 kiks, 2 hh, ride 5 snr, 3 small shnt toms) |
MP188 |
Red Hot Rock |
(3 hh, 4 rock kiks, 3 chili p snres, 3 tambs, 3 clav, 5 guitarish, pno ditrs) |
MP189 |
Flute Electro House |
(flute, 2 mod bells, slap kik, electro snr, 4 909 kiks, 808 kiks 1-2, 808 snrs, hhs, 3 toms, 808 crash 2, dirt crash, mrt bass, hi cow tamb) |
MP190 |
French Horn + Snds |
(French horn, 3 string chords, space bell) |
MP191 |
Basson Guitar Drum |
(4 basson, 2 chuck gtrs, 3 steele gtrs, 2 hh, crash, clave, afro log, conga, 3 kiks, 2 808 snrs, hi snr, tuned snr, 2 noise sounds, glass clap) |
MP192 |
Pop Kit |
(2 kik, 4snrs, hh, ohh, tamb, cow, crash, ride, 3 toms, 4 lead synths) |
MP193 |
Guitarish Sounds Hip Hop |
(Gtr pluck, 3 gtr chords, hi string gtr, chuck gtr, kik, snr, 2hh, 2- 8 bit synths, wailer synn vrb, sq1 bell, cello, hi strings, 2 strings) |
MP194 |
808 Dis-efd |
(Pno note, 4 kiks, 5 snrs, 2 timbale, crash, bongo, bong, noise hit, clave, metal hit 2 talking drums, hh, shaker, 3 claps hall fx) |
MP195 |
Miami Perc Set |
(3 kiks, 3 snr, 3 hh, thin crash, 3 toms, 3 shakers, 2 ducks, rim, sticks, 3 bongos, 4perc drums) |
MP196 |
Talking Drums |
(13 sounds of talking drums, 2 loops at 121 bpm, solo talking drum) |
MP197 |
Baby Marly Sounds |
(Pass the beat, test, rock on beat, caca, 1,2,3,4 funky beat, what up playah, what up?, drop the beat, groovy) |
MP198 |
808 Kiks Ana Synth |
(4 kik, 2 snr, 3hh, 3 toms, clave, 12 dark star synths of Tech style) |
MP199 |
Ambient Drums + Latin Drums |
(2 squaks, 4 timb, 2 bongos, 2 hh, big crash, 6 rev kiks, 6 big verb room snrs, ambient latin drum, 2 cows, low tamb) |
MP200 |
Latin Beats |
(Samson S-com compressor 4kik, 2 snr, 3 tom, 2 timbales, 2 hh, 3 shakers, 3 bongos, rim, cow, stick, 3 pno chords 1176 urei comp) |
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